Dedicated to clean(er), green(er), realistic dreams of a hometown region that reduces its ecological footprint in common sense and practical ways.
From Repair Cafes and yarn swaps to road cleanups,
mark your calendars for the next Zero Waste Sooke event.
Everything a conscious consumer (aka Zero Waster) needs to know about services and facilities on southern Vancouver Island is available online.
Get Involved
Do you have time, passion, skills and energy to spare as one of our volunteers? Contact us today to discuss how you can get involved.
About Zero Waste Sooke
Zero Waste Sooke is your go-to centre for ideas and opportunities to reduce your environmental footprint by reducing the amount of waste you send to the landfill.
We are a non-profit group of Sooke residents who plan events and education sessions to encourage individuals to reduce their waste. We hold clean ups, repair cafes, and swaps of yarn, school supplies and other items.